Mooi bewaarde Basilosaurus (voorouder van de walvis) kies

€ 550,00
00sinds 11 mar. '25, 10:10
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Scientific name: Basilosaurus sp - Probably Pappocetus lugardi, Andrews 1920 (whale ancestor) Location: Dakhla, Western Sahara, South Morocco Geological Formation: Boujdour Basin, Middle-Late Eocene Phosphate Outcrops Age: Middle - Late Eocene, Bartonian stage (~40 Million Years) Size (long): 7,4 cm REF.: 20122 DESCRIPTION: Pappocetus is a protocetid and a large amphibious aquatic carnivore. Pappocetus is also an ancestor of Basilosaurus. Rare specimen from an early evolutionary stage of the modern whale. In the phosphate basins of the Moroccan Western Sahara, the fossil record of these enormous vertebrates is very well represented, of this type of cetaceans that speak of an evolutionary transition from land to sea. Rooted molar specimen. It has some glued but not restored fractures. Even so, it is a spectacular and rare tooth. All our items are accompanied by their corresponding Certificate of Authenticity.

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