Star Trek: Enterprise Action Figure 1/6 Ensign Hoshi Sato 28

€ 319,00
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591sinds 15 nov. '24, 18:10
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Product: Star Trek: Enterprise Action Figure 1/6 Ensign Hoshi Sato 28 cm
Fabrikant: Mezco Toyz
Levertijd: Verwacht in Q1 van 2025
EAN: 656382925532

EXO-6 brings out the latest in the Star Trek: Enterprise line with the reluctant translator, Ensign Hoshi Sato.

The expert linguist had never been on an extended space mission, but she was recruited by Captain Archer who knew he'd be encountering alien civilizations and wanted to be able to interact with them. As the ship's communication officer, Hoshi played a vital role in bridging cultural and language barriers, ensuring successful first contacts and diplomatic missions. Known for her unparalleled linguistic skills and her groundbreaking work with the universal translator she became an indispensable member of the Enterprise crew.

This 1:6-scale action figure of Hoshi Sato re-creates this iconic character in exquisite 1:6 detail. Standing approximately 11 inches tall, she wears the standard blue Starfleet jumpsuit with the NX-01 patch on the shoulder. The original portrait sculpt of Linda Park has an authentic, hand-painted likeness.

This fine collectible figure is a perfect rendition of the linguist who made Starfleet possible and a great addition to your EXO-6 Star Trek™ sixth-scale figure collection.

Advertentienummer: a1507771408