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RT-91/ARC-2 WW2 HF Aircraft transceiver
79913sinds 3 dec. '24, 20:43
TypeZender en Ontvanger
Aangeboden wordt een bijzondere WW2 Aircraft transceiver RT-91/ARC-2 gemaakt door Collins
Het porselein van de antenneaansluiting heeft een paar barstjes maar voor de rest is hij in goede en complete conditie.'
Is werkend weggezet (niet door mij) maar dat is al een tijd geleden en wordt daarom verkocht als defect. Heb nu alleen even gekeken of de dynamotor voeding goed werkt.
Beschrijving gevonden op Internet:
The Radio Receiver and Transmitter RT-91/ARC-2 (Collins ), is a HF radio communication equipment designed for installation in all types of Naval aircraft. It provides reliable, preset, multichannel, two-way radio communication, using cw, mcw, or voice.
Communication may be controlled by the pilot or radio operator, and provision is made for rapid selection among eight preset operating channels. The Radio Receiver and Transmitter RT-291/ARC-2A provides c-w, m-c-w, and amplitude-modulated voice signals.
THE AUTOTUNE SYSTEM The autotune system is an electrically controlled means of mechanically repositioning adjustable elements such as switches, and variable inductors to predetermine settings. The system employed in this equipment consist of a motor, two singleturn mechanisms, two multiturr mechanisms, a control mechanism, a line shaft several drive gears, and control circuits.
Eight frequency channels, with range of 2 mc. to 9.05 mc. (2.000kc to 9.050kc), may be manually selected and loked.
Frequency Coverage: 2 to 9.5 MHz in four bands
A- 2 to 3.016 MHz
B- 3 to 4.525 MHz
C- 4 to 6.033 MHz
D- 6 to 9.050 MHz
Tubes : 4 x 12A6, 8 x 12SG7, 2 x 12SA7, 4 x 12H6 2 x 12SL7, 1 x 12SJ7, 4 x 1625
RF Output: 30 W
Dimensions: 21¼ x 14 ½ x 7 ¾ 121 1 21 1/4 x 10 1/4 x 7 3/4 high/4 x 10 1/4 x 7 3/4 high
Weight: 17 lb.
Power supply: Dynamotor DY-31/ARC-2 27.5V-20A
Nico - PA3ESA
Het porselein van de antenneaansluiting heeft een paar barstjes maar voor de rest is hij in goede en complete conditie.'
Is werkend weggezet (niet door mij) maar dat is al een tijd geleden en wordt daarom verkocht als defect. Heb nu alleen even gekeken of de dynamotor voeding goed werkt.
Beschrijving gevonden op Internet:
The Radio Receiver and Transmitter RT-91/ARC-2 (Collins ), is a HF radio communication equipment designed for installation in all types of Naval aircraft. It provides reliable, preset, multichannel, two-way radio communication, using cw, mcw, or voice.
Communication may be controlled by the pilot or radio operator, and provision is made for rapid selection among eight preset operating channels. The Radio Receiver and Transmitter RT-291/ARC-2A provides c-w, m-c-w, and amplitude-modulated voice signals.
THE AUTOTUNE SYSTEM The autotune system is an electrically controlled means of mechanically repositioning adjustable elements such as switches, and variable inductors to predetermine settings. The system employed in this equipment consist of a motor, two singleturn mechanisms, two multiturr mechanisms, a control mechanism, a line shaft several drive gears, and control circuits.
Eight frequency channels, with range of 2 mc. to 9.05 mc. (2.000kc to 9.050kc), may be manually selected and loked.
Frequency Coverage: 2 to 9.5 MHz in four bands
A- 2 to 3.016 MHz
B- 3 to 4.525 MHz
C- 4 to 6.033 MHz
D- 6 to 9.050 MHz
Tubes : 4 x 12A6, 8 x 12SG7, 2 x 12SA7, 4 x 12H6 2 x 12SL7, 1 x 12SJ7, 4 x 1625
RF Output: 30 W
Dimensions: 21¼ x 14 ½ x 7 ¾ 121 1 21 1/4 x 10 1/4 x 7 3/4 high/4 x 10 1/4 x 7 3/4 high
Weight: 17 lb.
Power supply: Dynamotor DY-31/ARC-2 27.5V-20A
Nico - PA3ESA
Advertentienummer: m2208866346
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