Vintco Complete krukas Honda CR 500R 1987-2001
€ 512,98
120sinds 23 jan. '25, 12:01
VintCo has all new reproduction crankshafts completely assembled for your 1987-2001 Honda CR500 that will get you back on track. These complete Honda CR500 Crankshafts are made with modern materials and manufacturing techniques to ensure an as good or better than OEM fitment and performance. These crankshafts are assembled with a Heavy Duty Forged Steel connecting rod with the wrist pin bearing included. Don’t waste time rebuilding your old crank when you can get a complete reproduction new crank to drop in. This newly manufactured crankshaft from VintCo will help you keep the ride going! The OEM part numbers are provided to ensure an exact fitment as well.
- New Reproduction Crankshaft
- Complete Assembly
- Heavy Duty Forged Steel Connecting Rod
- Includes Wrist Pin Bearing
- OEM Specification
- Replacement for OE# 13300-MAC-680 & 13300-ML3-680
Advertentienummer: a1510062349
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