Vintage drank trolley

€ 250,00
Thuisbezorgd door Brenger vanaf € 42,-
281sinds 20 jan. '25, 10:06
Deel via


Hoogte50 tot 75 cm
Ruimte voor5 tot 15 flessen


Classic case of "with pain in my heart": I need to sell my beloved vintage drank trolley due to an upcoming move. I have no information on age, material etc and bought it myself for the same price of off a second hand website years ago. I am not sure if they wheels actually work, it always stayed in place with me. Obviously has signs of usage. Comes without the things in the trolley :-) and can only be picked up. Currently not willing to lower the price as it is such a special piece and I otherwise rather find a way to keep it myself.
Advertentienummer: m2225512905
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