Fursuit dinomask premade ZSMW!!! € 300,00
Fursuit [zsmw, cheap, mq/hq]
€ 200,00
Ophalen of Verzenden
Thuisbezorgd via PostNL voor € 6,95
27220sinds 26 mar. '25, 13:38
ConditieZo goed als nieuw
I'm selling this fursuit, because I don't have any room for it and I don't really connect to him! He is "almost" never used. So it's kinda as good as new. ^_^
- Lined (not the neck)
- Awesome vision
- Great ventilation
- 100% waterproof
- Hq fur and Mq fur
I'm selling this fursuit, because I don't have any room for it and I don't really connect to him! He is "almost" never used. So it's kinda as good as new. ^_^
- Lined (not the neck)
- Awesome vision
- Great ventilation
- 100% waterproof
- Hq fur and Mq fur
Advertentienummer: m2250219372
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