Aantal spelersEen of twee spelers, Drie of vier spelers, Vijf spelers of meer
Due to lack of time and finding out that I'm becoming a parent priorities shift thus the funding will be used for baby stroller & dipers lol
250€ ISS Vanguard pledge - Awakened Realms : - ISS Vanguard base - ISS Vanguard: Deadly Frontier - ISS Vanguard: The Lost Fleet - ISS Vanguard: Personnel Files - ISS Vanguard: Closed Encounters - ISS secret envelope
65€ Abyss & 2 expansions
35€ Arkham Horror
55€ Mind MGMT: The Psychic Espionage “Game.” + secret mission delux pledge
20€ Red Rising
25€ Res Arcana
20€ Risk
45€ Windmill Valley + 2€ New Calendar Tile
30€ Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Panic at the Pleasure Palace
45€ The Quacks of Quedlinburg + The Herb Witches
40€ Creature comfort delux, with wooden pieces
€33 Citadels classic english
€50 Secret Hitler
5€ Making profit the board game
20€ One Night Ultimate Werewolf
15€ Spies & Lies: A Stratego Story The Great Wall ( SOLD ) Evenfall (SOLD) Arcs & lore expansion (SOLD) Harmonies (SOLD)
Due to the need to get rid of the collection fast if you found the game cheaper on retail feel free to reach out and I will adjust the price point but so far I've tried to go as low as possible.