Modbus gestuurde 5-standen transformatorregelaar | 115 - 230

€ 433,33
70sinds 6 jan. '25, 01:13
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This speed controller or position controller for fans is controlled via Modbus RTU. Both a Sentera Modbus sensor, a building management system and another Modbus master can determine the speed to which the controller switches. And if you still want to operate it manually, you can do so by connecting a Modbus potentiometer. This enables both manual and demand-driven control of the fan speed. In manual mode, the fan speed can be selected via Modbus holding register 14. In automatic mode, the fan speed is controlled as a function of the connected Sentera HVAC sensor for temperature, relative humidity, CO2, air quality (TVOC) or CO. The controller is suitable for a mains voltage of 115 to 230 VAC and 50 / 60 Hz and for single-phase voltage-controllable motors with a maximum current of 5 A. The housing allows surface mounting in indoor environments (IP54).

High-tech position controllerSometimes you want rock-solid, proven technology with modern control options. A bit of the “best of both worlds”. Well, as European market leader in the segment of transformer controllers for ventilation (also called position controllers), Sentera developed the RTVS. The modern “state-of-the-art” brother of the STR, STRS, STRA, STVS, etc...
Where is the dial?
Don't be alarmed by the fact that you don't see a rotary knob. This device also allows manual operation. The RTVS works with Modbus RTU and is compatible with both Sentera Modbus sensors and Sentera Modbus potentiometers.
The Master Port:
manual control, demand-driven control, ... Indeed, if you connect a Sentera Modbus potentiometer to the Master port of the RTVS, you can set the speed manually. And if you connect a Sentera Modbus sensor to the same Master port, the speed is fully automatically demand-driven as a function of temperature, CO2, relative humidity, CO, TVOC, etc. The Master port also provides power to the sensor or potentiometer.
The Slave Gate:
The RTVS can be connected to your building management system (BMS) via Modbus RTU. Regardless of whether you connect a potentiometer, a sensor or nothing at all to the Master port of the RTVS, you can (but do not have to) always connect the RTVS to your Modbus RTU-compatible building management system via the Slave port. This allows you to override the output to the desired value and set many other parameters. Completely in line with the calendar, timer or other parameter(s) of your BMS.
And if there is no building management system...
... then there is SenteraWeb. All you need to do is connect a Sentera Gateway to the Slave port of the RTVS and register your installation on SenteraWeb. Both the RTVS and any potentiometer or sensor will then be accessible via your standard internet browser.
For single-phase AC motors up to 7.5 A
The RTVS1 operates on a 230 VAC / 50 Hz mains power supplyThe RTVS8 operates on a universal supply voltage of 115-230 VAC and 50/60 Hz.
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