Klaar voor gebruik terrarium met UVB licht 20x20x30 Exoterra€ 50,00
Terrarium 30x30x45 bioactive HabiStat
€ 120,00
410sinds 9 mar. '25, 17:30
ConditieZo goed als nieuw
TypeTerrarium of Paludarium
Ready to use 30x30x45 bioactive glass terrarium from HabiStat. Sold with a functioning hygrometer/thermometer. It was the home of one of our crested gecko when he was young. It is suitable for crested geckos up to 30 g and probably for many other creatures. It is bioactive so it's self cleaning. It contains springtails in quantity and probably isopods but I can't see them anymore (they hide well). There is also a big trunk, bark and branches as well as three plants. The hollow bark in front can be used to pot a plant.
Advertentienummer: m2243935188
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