Händel - Messiah, originele lp uit 1981

€ 8,00
130sinds 28 feb. '25, 09:51
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ConditieZo goed als nieuw
TypeOrkest of Ballet
Formaat12 inch


Label: Philips
Release Nummer: 6527 118

Side 1:
1. Comfort Ye, My People - Ev'ry Valley
2. And The Glory Of The Lord
3. Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive - O Thou That Tellest
4. For Unto Us A Child is Born
5. Then Shall The Eyes - He Shall Feed His Flock
6. Why Do The Nations

Side 2:
1. Thou Shalt Break Them
2. Hallelujah
3. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
4. The Trumpet Shall Sound
5. Worthy Is The Lamb - Amen

London Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
Dirigent – Colin Davis

Visuele conditie:
Hoes: vg+
Vinyl: near mint

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