cd - The Magnetic Fields - Love At The Bottom Of The Sea

€ 4,99
81sinds 13 dec. '24, 01:31
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Staat van het item : nieuw

Artiest : The Magnetic Fields
Titel : Love At The Bottom Of The Sea



1. Your Girlfriend's Face
2. Andrew In Drag
3. God Wants Us To Wait
4. Born For Love
5. I'd Go Anywhere With Hugh
6. Infatuation (With Your Gyration)
7. The Only Boy In Town
8. The Machine In Your Hand
9. Goin' Back To The Country
10. I've Run Away To Join The Fairies
11. The Horrible Party
12. My Husband's Pied-Ã-Terre
13. I Don't Like Your Tone
14. Quick!
15. All She Cares About Is Mariachi

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