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300sinds 24 dec. '24, 09:28
photography Sigurd Kranendonk
text Conny van Gelder
Uitgeverij Terra / Lannoo
1e druk, 2009
Gebonden, 335 p.
Groot formaat.
Engels / Nederlands
In prima staat.
Marcel Wolterinck remains one of the most popular and influential style masters in the Netherlands. In this book Outside and inside become an organic unity, with beautiful garden designs that connect the rooms of the house with the outside; it contains projects from all over europe, each one beautifully photographed by Sigurd Kranendonk. Wolterinck's touch is boundless and is taking the international scene by storm. Far and wide, interiors and exteriors, terraces, gardens and events are undergoing magical metamorphoses, courtesy of this prominent designer. This title includes text in english and dutch.
Verzendkosten voor rekening koper (pakket).
photography Sigurd Kranendonk
text Conny van Gelder
Uitgeverij Terra / Lannoo
1e druk, 2009
Gebonden, 335 p.
Groot formaat.
Engels / Nederlands
In prima staat.
Marcel Wolterinck remains one of the most popular and influential style masters in the Netherlands. In this book Outside and inside become an organic unity, with beautiful garden designs that connect the rooms of the house with the outside; it contains projects from all over europe, each one beautifully photographed by Sigurd Kranendonk. Wolterinck's touch is boundless and is taking the international scene by storm. Far and wide, interiors and exteriors, terraces, gardens and events are undergoing magical metamorphoses, courtesy of this prominent designer. This title includes text in english and dutch.
Verzendkosten voor rekening koper (pakket).
Advertentienummer: m2215814804
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