Te koop Comics Army of Darkness – Ashes 2 Ashes

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170sinds 10 nov. '24, 14:26
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Te koop Comics Army of Darkness – Ashes 2 Ashes
Te koop de comics van Army of Darkness van Devil's Due Publishing

Ashes 2 Ashes
· 1. Ashes 2 Ashes ISBN882142000120 Ben Templesmith cover 6 euro
· 1. Ashes 2 Ashes ISBN882142000120 Incentive cover - screaming Ash 5 euro
· 1. Ashes 2 Ashes ISBN882142000120 Marc Silvestri cover 13 euro
· 1. Ashes 2 Ashes ISBN882142000120 photo cover 10 euro
· 2. Ashes 2 Ashes ISBN882142000250 Greg Land cover 9 euro
· 2. Ashes 2 Ashes ISBN882142000250 Nick Bradshaw cover 9 euro
· 2. Ashes 2 Ashes ISBN882142000250 Richard Isanove cover 8 euro
· 3. Ashes 2 Ashes ISBN882142000380 Cover A - Nick Bradshaw 9 euro
· 3. Ashes 2 Ashes ISBN882142000380 Cover B - Michael Avon Oeming 9 euro
· 3. Ashes 2 Ashes ISBN882142000380 Cover C - Aaron Lopresti 9 euro
· 3. Ashes 2 Ashes ISBN882142000380 Cover D - photo cover 7 euro
· 4. Ashes 2 Ashes ISBN882142000533 Cover C - Tim Seeley 3 euro
· 4. Ashes 2 Ashes ISBN882142000533 sketch cover - Nick Bradshaw 25 euro

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