Echolands Volume 1 [OHC]

€ 37,99
40sinds 19 okt. '24, 13:47
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The story of Earth’s last war starts withHope’s sticky fingers...

The multipleaward-winning Batwoman team, J. H. WILLIAMS III (Promethea, The Sandman:Overture, Batman) and W. HADEN BLACKMAN (Star Wars, Elektra), reunites for anall-new ongoing series! They’re joined once again by colorist supreme DAVESTEWART and master letterer TODD KLEIN.

In abizarre future world that has forgotten its history, a reckless thief, HopeRedhood, holds the key to excavating its dark, strange pastif only sheand her crew can escape a tyrannical wizard and his unstoppable daughter. Butfate will send them all on a path leading to a war between worlds.

ECHOLANDS is a landscape format,mythic-fiction epic where anything is possiblea fast-paced genre mashupadventure that combines everything from horror movie vampires to classicmobsters and cyborg elves, to Roman demigods and retro rocket ships. It’sgoing to be a helluva ride!

Early praise forECHOLANDS:

“It's every fictionalworld, each with its own artistic style, intersecting and exploding with JHW3magic and crackle. I can't wait to see where he and Haden Blackman are takingusinto a world in which anything can happen, and undoubtedly will.”Neil Gaiman

So complex and unique andexpertly executed it pushes the medium forward in new directions and leads toinvigorated interest in the medium of comics itself. RobertKirkman

A dazzling, kinetic ride through anexquisitely realized fantasy world, bursting with graphic energy andexcitement. DaveGibbons

“Echolands’ fallen fantasySan Francisco is painted as a monstrous blend of magic and technology, and readslike a blockbuster car chase.” Kyle Shutt (TheSword)

“Getting an eyeful is a massiveunderstatement. I love looking at the drawings as they expand with more detailsemerging every time I look.” Debbie Harry (Blondie, Face It: AMemoir)

Uitgeverij: Image
Schrijver: J.H. Williams III
Tekenaar: J.H. Williams III

ISBN: 9781534321137 - Comics & Graphic Novels!
Groot tweedehands aanbod - Levering uit voorraad - Gratis verzenden vanaf €50!

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