Toorenaar Auteur: Peter R. de Vries 9026102127Bieden
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The Hypnotic Gastric Band Paul McKenna 9780593070741 ##
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20sinds 22 dec. '24, 03:44
The Hypnotic Gastric BandAuteur: Paul McKenna met 1 dvd + 1cd
DO YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT? HAVE YOU TRIED DIETS AND FAILED? DO YOU WANT A COMPLETELY NEW APPROACH? A Gastric Band is a radical, surgical operation that reduces the available space in the stomach. Paul McKenna's Hypnotic Gastric Band is a psychological procedure that can help to convince the unconscious mind that a gastric band has been fitted, so the body behaves exactly as if it were physically present. HOW DOES IT WORK? Along with the book, the system contains a hypnosis CD and an instructional DVD to provide complete support for physical and psychological change whilst you lose weight. There's no physical surgery, no scarring and no forbidden foods. Just follow all the instructions and let Paul help you lose weight.
DO YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT? HAVE YOU TRIED DIETS AND FAILED? DO YOU WANT A COMPLETELY NEW APPROACH? A Gastric Band is a radical, surgical operation that reduces the available space in the stomach. Paul McKenna's Hypnotic Gastric Band is a psychological procedure that can help to convince the unconscious mind that a gastric band has been fitted, so the body behaves exactly as if it were physically present. HOW DOES IT WORK? Along with the book, the system contains a hypnosis CD and an instructional DVD to provide complete support for physical and psychological change whilst you lose weight. There's no physical surgery, no scarring and no forbidden foods. Just follow all the instructions and let Paul help you lose weight.
Advertentienummer: m2215116682
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