Woodstock and the Royal Park 9781906725402 John Banbury

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AuteurJohn Banbury
Productnummer (ISBN)9781906725402
Jaar (oorspr.)2010


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Titel: Woodstock and the Royal Park
Auteur: John Banbury
ISBN: 9781906725402
Conditie: Beetje gebruikt

This book celebrates the nine-hundredth anniversary of a stone wall around a royal park. Today we know this Park as the UNESCO World Heritage site of Blenheim and the adjacent town as Woodstock. The royal Manor House has long gone but the Park, although no longer royal, remains. Monarchs from Alfred to Anne owned and walked on this stage but many of their actions here are not widely known. They provide a series of snapshots of English history. This opportunity has also been taken to explore the inuence of national events on the life of Woodstock, the Park and the seven surrounding demesne villages.

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