Deception (Alex Delaware Series, Book 25) 9780755342747

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AuteurJonathan Kellerman
Productnummer (ISBN)9780755342747
Jaar (oorspr.)2010


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Titel: Deception (Alex Delaware Series, Book 25)
Auteur: Jonathan Kellerman
ISBN: 9780755342747
Conditie: Echt gebruikt

On a DVD found near her lifeless body, Elise Freeman chronicles a year-and-a-half-long ordeal of monstrous abuse at the hands of three sadistic tormentors. But even more shocking than the lurid details is the revelation that the offenders, like their victim, are teachers at a prestigious LA prep school. If ever homicide detective Milo Sturgis could use Dr Alex Delaware's psychological prowess, it's now. From the start, this case promises to be an uphill climb for truth and a down-and-dirty fight for justice. Alex and Milo must penetrate the citadel of wealth and scholarship to expose the dirty secrets and deadly sins festering amongst LA's elite. But power and position are not easily surrendered, and Alex and Milo may well be walking into a highly polished death trap . . .

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