Maharaj Charan Singh Die to Live

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Maharaj Charan Singh Die to Live Answers Questions on Meditation

Die to Live: Answers Questions on Meditation Charan Singh, Maharaj
Published by Radha Soami Satsang Beas Punjab, India nd (1979), 1979 Hardcover

DIE TO LIVE contains some of the many questions on the topic of meditation that have been asked over the years by disciples and seekers from all parts of the world. Even in the printed form, the spontaneity, the patience, the humor, the wisdom and the love in MAHARAJ CHARAN SINGH'S ANSWERS are clearly apparent, and will be an inspiration for true seekers everywhere to meditate and follow that Path within.
The Master enjoins his disciples not to renounce the world, but as good, law-abiding citizens, to perform their worldly duties, earn their own livelihood and live a normal life according to the lofty moral and spiritual principles of the Path. Commensurate with this normal and active life they are to devote adequate time, daily, to meditation as ad-vised by the living Master. Thereby they attain peace of mind and contentment in this life in addition to BLISSFUL LIFE ETERNAL.

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