The Illuminated Text Volume 6 - Robert Perry - 9781886602373

€ 13,00
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The Illuminated Text Volume 6 - Robert Perry - Circle Publishing - 9781886602373 - 2dehands - Goede Staat - Paperback - The Text is the foundation of A Course in Miracles. Doing the Course is simply a process of learning and internalizing its thought system, and the Text is where that thought system is laid out. It is an unparalleled spiritual tour de force. Careful study of it will change your outlook in ways that perhaps nothing else can. Many students, however, find the Text to be very hard going, and wish they had a deeper grasp of what they were reading. The Illuminated Text is drawn from the Text Reading Program, the Circle of Atonement's one-year study program of the Text of A Course in Miracles. It will guide you, in detail, through the Text, enabling you to get a deep understanding of this spiritual masterpiece.
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