Eenvoudige muziekleer Deel 2 - Hennie Schouten - 97890601023€ 19,00
Ashtanga Yoga for Women - Michaela Clarke, Sally Griffyn - 9
€ 26,00
292sinds 25 mei. '23, 07:05
Ashtanga Yoga for Women - Michaela Clarke, Sally Griffyn - Ulysses Press - 9781569753507 - 2de Hands - Als Nieuw - Paperback - Ashtanga Yoga for Women opens with an introduction to this unique form of power yoga and outlines its practice. The book presents the asanas (postures) in the form of a step-by-step guide. It carefully explains how to get into postures and offers some alternatives to each posture. Next the book looks at the differing effects of yoga on different women at various points in their lives and examines different practices based on age, weight and shape factors. Breath and breathing is addressed in detail since proper breathing technique is vital to the correct practice of Ashtanga yoga and can lead to transformation physically and mentally in terms of stress relief and relaxation. Other chapters examines how Ashtanga yoga helps a woman develop a greater self-worth and empowers her by putting her in touch with her inner strengths. Ashtanga as an alternative medicine is addressed including detoxify and emotional release, as well as its ability to dispel depression and obsession. The final chapter explores the spiritual relationship of women and yoga and how the everchanging cycle of the moon links with the teachings of Ashtanga and, in turn, with the cycle of menstruation and ovulation.
www.veelboeken.nlAdvertentienummer: a1481139218
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