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Hooked on customers
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100sinds 17 jan. '25, 22:29
ConditieZo goed als nieuw
OnderwerpEconomie en Marketing
AuteurRobert G. Thompson
"Talk is cheap." A cliché, perhaps, but the idea that what we do is more important than what we say is a fundamental truth. It applies in our personal lives and can extend into our professional work, too. Learning to let your actions do the talking can be revolutionary to a company that struggles to create enduring customer relationships.
People who own operate, manage, or otherwise lead a company are always looking for ways to improve productivity, beat the competition, and ensure long-term success. Learning how to put words and ideas into action can be a key to success in the business world.
Hooked on Customers is not about finding the right words, whether labeled as a "strategy" or not. It is an insightful, highly informative book that propels businesses into action. It explores successful customer-centric businesses, examines the ways they execute their strategies, and provides practical recommendations for business leaders to more effectively outperform their competition.
People who own operate, manage, or otherwise lead a company are always looking for ways to improve productivity, beat the competition, and ensure long-term success. Learning how to put words and ideas into action can be a key to success in the business world.
Hooked on Customers is not about finding the right words, whether labeled as a "strategy" or not. It is an insightful, highly informative book that propels businesses into action. It explores successful customer-centric businesses, examines the ways they execute their strategies, and provides practical recommendations for business leaders to more effectively outperform their competition.
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