Ford Mustang set EBC remblokken 2005-2010

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30sinds 10 mar. '25, 09:46
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Handelsnaam fabrikantEBC Brakes
Postadres fabrikantUpton Valley Way East, Pineham, Northampton, NN4 9EF
AutomerkAmerikaanse onderdelen, Ford, Ford USA


Te koop aangeboden,

Een nieuw set EBC GreenStuff remblokken voor een Ford Mustang 2005-2010.
Materiaal "organic"

The EBC Greenstuff 2000 brake pad range is the first of many upgrade options when it comes to stopping power. These Greenstuff 2000 pads are a good quality pad replacement with medium dusting and good brake effect. Suitable for fast road use, they offer up to a 15% increase in braking performance compared to a stock pad.

OEM nummer DP21740, D1081

Prijs is €100.- ex btw
1x voorraad

FORD MUSTANG 2005-2010

2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010

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