Bryston B-135 Cubed DAC en Phono van €11.000 voor €4.999!€ 4.999,00
Atma-Sphere M-60 buizen mono einversterkers
€ 6.950,00
Thuisbezorgd door Brenger vanaf € 42,-
966sinds 9 mar. '25, 11:03
Deze set komt uit de demo voorraad van de importeur. Volledige garantie. Deze is full options!: caddock, Vcaps, Power supply boost.
Nieuwprijs €11.950,- Nu voor 6.950,-
OTL design, real 3d sound and huge soundstage! These amps have won many prices! check the website of the manufacturer.
- Balanced Differential Design®
- Class-A2 operation
- Patented Circlotronic® direct-coupled (OTL) output stage
- Dual-mono chassis construction
- Automatic bias - no adjustment needed
- Built in VU meter for tube and output monitoring
- Easily monostrapped for greatly increased power
- Standby switch for long output tube life
- Uses only one gain stage for supreme clarity of sound
- Proprietary precision components used throughout
- Low-noise "star" grounding topology
- Fully hand-wired point-to-point electronics - no circuit boards!
- Stable with all input and load conditions
- Uses octal base triode vacuum tubes
- Classic open chassis construction with Wrinkletex™ finish
Producten kunnen in onze showroom in Uithoorn (op afspraak) worden geluisterd. Finest Soundsystems is officiele merkdealer van Atma-Sphere.
Nieuwprijs €11.950,- Nu voor 6.950,-
OTL design, real 3d sound and huge soundstage! These amps have won many prices! check the website of the manufacturer.
- Balanced Differential Design®
- Class-A2 operation
- Patented Circlotronic® direct-coupled (OTL) output stage
- Dual-mono chassis construction
- Automatic bias - no adjustment needed
- Built in VU meter for tube and output monitoring
- Easily monostrapped for greatly increased power
- Standby switch for long output tube life
- Uses only one gain stage for supreme clarity of sound
- Proprietary precision components used throughout
- Low-noise "star" grounding topology
- Fully hand-wired point-to-point electronics - no circuit boards!
- Stable with all input and load conditions
- Uses octal base triode vacuum tubes
- Classic open chassis construction with Wrinkletex™ finish
Producten kunnen in onze showroom in Uithoorn (op afspraak) worden geluisterd. Finest Soundsystems is officiele merkdealer van Atma-Sphere.
Advertentienummer: m2243727122
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