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InFocus LitePro 720 LCD Beamer SVGA, draagbaar
Ophalen of Verzenden
Afhaalpunt voor € 4,95 of thuis voor € 5,95
Thuisbezorgd voor € 6,95
Thuisbezorgd door Brenger vanaf € 42,-
981sinds 3 dec. '24, 11:23
ConditieZo goed als nieuw
InFocus LitePro 720 LCD Beamer SVGA
The InFocus LP720 Projector is a SVGA Conference Room Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 450 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 800x600 . The internal 3LCD technology is an innovative 3-chip design that sets itself apart by delivering vibrant, true-to-life images with better color brightness and a wider color gamut.
The InFocus LP720 Projector is a SVGA Conference Room Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 450 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 800x600 . The internal 3LCD technology is an innovative 3-chip design that sets itself apart by delivering vibrant, true-to-life images with better color brightness and a wider color gamut.
Advertentienummer: m2208554720
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