Ad van Hassel (1953) - Luxury Art Candy Toffee - Hommage to

€ 20,00
00sinds 7 mar. '25, 10:16
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Luxury Art Candy / Toffee by Ad van Hassel Hommage to Banksy, there are 3 different versions. This artwork is laser cut and oven-folded perspex on a luxurious base. Plate signed on the bottom of the base. Total Dimensions, approximately 33x10x10cm Comes in black luxury box COA included. About Ad van Hassel Ad van Hassel was born on April 26, 1953 in Roosendaal (The Netherlands). Ad began painting in 1980 after years of completing various creative disciplines. In 1983 he founded two exclusive galleries in the Sonesta and Krasnapolsky hotels in Amsterdam. Ad has been specialized in screen printing since 1990, not only for himself but also for other artists. He was Herman Brood's regular printer for over 12 years. Also other artists like Corneille, Jan Cremer and Rob Scholte worked with him and respected his craftsmanship. After the death of Herman Brood and Corneille, Ad decided to concentrate on a new technique: CNC laser cutting and milling of various materials from which his crazy color Sculptures, Banknotes and Pop Art Candies are made. Ad's art is particularly on high demand and his unique items are sold worldwide by galleries, finding their way to companies and individuals. Also check our the other items in the auction. Warholl Banksy Toffee Candy Campbell PopArt

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