Waterkoker met Arabische kalligrafie - Tin - Centraal-Azië -

€ 150,00
30sinds 7 mar. '25, 10:11
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Kettle with Arabic Calligraphy – Tin, Decorative Friezes Including Mauresques and Niello Technique Inscriptionr r Description:r A compact round body with a curved handle, featuring decorative friezes including Mauresques and inscriptions in Niello technique, with calligraphy. The piece is believed to have an inscription, which roughly reads:r “ …..”r (A letter towards the blooming flower, conveying messages of war and peace…). Likely from the Qajar period (19th century) or influenced by Afghan craftsmanship of the same era. Height (without handle) approx. 14 cm, diameter approx. 14 cm, weight approx. 800 g.r r “We invite you to explore our full collection. Don’t miss the chance to discover more unique items in our listings and ongoing auctions!”r r “We invite you to explore our full collection. Don’t miss the chance to discover more unique items in our listings and ongoing auctions!”

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