Grote oude schilderijen 60 x 73 cm uit jaar 1952 € 450,00
Vintage wandbord . Afrika voorstelling.
€ 95,00
Ophalen of Verzenden
Afhaalpunt voor € 4,95 of thuis voor € 5,95
Thuisbezorgd voor € 6,95
970sinds 30 dec. '24, 23:24
Grote vintage wandbord . Punt gaaf
The Italian 1970 plaster wall decoration of an African dancer is a beautiful and unique piece of art from the mid-20th century. The decoration is made from plaster, a material that has been used in art and architecture for centuries, and it is a testament to the timeless beauty of this material.
The decoration features an African dancer in a dynamic pose, capturing the energy and movement of dance. The figure is beautifully detailed, with intricate facial features, expressive hands, and flowing garments that add to the sense of motion
The Italian 1970 plaster wall decoration of an African dancer is a beautiful and unique piece of art from the mid-20th century. The decoration is made from plaster, a material that has been used in art and architecture for centuries, and it is a testament to the timeless beauty of this material.
The decoration features an African dancer in a dynamic pose, capturing the energy and movement of dance. The figure is beautifully detailed, with intricate facial features, expressive hands, and flowing garments that add to the sense of motion
Advertentienummer: m2217924700
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