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Dobson, [Susanna] - The Life of Petrarch (1797)
€ 85,00
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450sinds 24 nov. '24, 15:34
Dobson, [Susanna] - The Life of Petrarch
Collected from Mémoires pour la vie de Petrarch [by Jacques-Francois-Paul-Aldonce de Sade, 1705-1778]
London, Printed by T. Bensley, for the associated booksellers, Vernor and Hood; J. Cuthell; J. Walker; Ogilvy and son; Lackington, Allen, and Co. and J. Nunn,
1797, 3rd edition
Two volume complete set
8vo, bound in contemporary tree calf, gilt backstrips, red labels, spines gilt decorated with sunburst tools and ruled and lettered in gilt
With 8 stipple engraved plates by Ridley after Kirk; 6 plates in vol. 1 and 2 in vol. 2 as called for.
Vol. I : xviii + 388 pages + 11 page index
Vol. II : 401 pages + 10 page index
Front cover of part 1 loose.
Shipping fee (The Netherlands: € 7,95; Europe: € 19,95) to paid by buyer
Collected from Mémoires pour la vie de Petrarch [by Jacques-Francois-Paul-Aldonce de Sade, 1705-1778]
London, Printed by T. Bensley, for the associated booksellers, Vernor and Hood; J. Cuthell; J. Walker; Ogilvy and son; Lackington, Allen, and Co. and J. Nunn,
1797, 3rd edition
Two volume complete set
8vo, bound in contemporary tree calf, gilt backstrips, red labels, spines gilt decorated with sunburst tools and ruled and lettered in gilt
With 8 stipple engraved plates by Ridley after Kirk; 6 plates in vol. 1 and 2 in vol. 2 as called for.
Vol. I : xviii + 388 pages + 11 page index
Vol. II : 401 pages + 10 page index
Front cover of part 1 loose.
Shipping fee (The Netherlands: € 7,95; Europe: € 19,95) to paid by buyer
Advertentienummer: m2205414911
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